After relaxing for a bit, Kevin and I got cleaned up and packed the car (well...Kevin packed the car). With dogs in tow, off to Medina we went! When we got there, we just sat around chit-chatting, watched "It's a Wonderful Life", and headed off to dinner in downtown Cleveland. We go to the same place every year called San Souci, which is in the Renaissance Hotel. We had such a great meal!! (My dad took lots of pictures, but I don't have any yet to post!)
The next morning we woke up, unwrapped gifts, and headed to Pittsburgh around 1 PM. It was pouring during the entire drive. Kevin and I were both thankful it wasn't snow! That would have been a mess! We had a great Christmas there and headed back to Columbus on Saturday afternoon.
Here's Mullen with a pretty bow!
Bono is tired!
Yesterday was my Birthday. Unfortunately, I had to work...but fortunately, I have a wonderful husband who spoils me rotten! Kevin came to work yesterday at lunch and brought me a veggie wrap and we had lunch together. Then when I got home, he took me out for sushi (my favorite!). We went to Benihana, which is one of our favorite places to get sushi. We sat at the sushi bar, and the chef (Chang) was the same one we had last time we were there. Kevin told him that it was my birthday, and jokingly said that he needed to make a sushi cake, and he did!
Here's my sushi "cake"
He also made me a rose. The rose was made out of tuna and had wasabi leaves! So pretty!
When we got home, Kevin gave me my birthday gifts. He got me a pair of Ugg boots, Disney "Earth" on Blu-Ray, and of course Jelly Bellys! But the best gift were the "tickets" he gave me:
These tickets are good for a birthday shopping spree at one (or more) of the places listed above. I was cracking up! The text at the bottom states:
"Transportation will leave at 9:30AM on Wednesday, December 30, 2009. After breakfast at Mimi's Cafe on Polaris Parkway, you will re-board the shopping shuttle and present your driver with any combination of these three shopping spree tickets which will then determine your destination(s) for shopping. Enjoy!
I thought this was the cutest and most creative gift ever. I have the best hubby! :) Can't wait to shop tomorrow!!