Thursday, December 22, 2011

7 months!

I can't believe I have two 7 month olds!  I've had a bunch of people tell me that this is when they start becoming really fun, and they definitely are!  They are much more interactive, love playing with their toys (and the dogs), and really seem to enjoy each other! 

Updates on the duo!


  • Is starting to move...backwards!  Hey, at least it's something right?
  • Is still wearing 6-9 or 6-12 mo clothing and size 3 diapers.  I have a feeling it will be 12 month soon.  I cannot keep up with how fast these girls are growing!
  • Is eating three solid meals a day, and takes 5 bottles (4 - 6oz and one 7oz) a day.  She usually finishes all except the last bottle before bed (which she probably finishes 2 or 3 days a week).
  • Loves sitting up and playing with her toys.  She is definitely going to be our toy-happy girl!
  • Still likes to fight me about naps.  She probably naps an average of 1.5 hours a day. 
  • Sleeps through the night like a champ!  Cannot beat 10-12 straight hours of sleep. 


  • Is starting to crawl. She can scoot on her belly, and is starting to get the hang of getting her knees under her.  It's exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.  Project for next week: baby-proof the heck out of our house!
  • Is still wearing 6-9 or 6-12 mo clothing and size 3 diapers. I have a feeling it will be 12 month sooner than Kendall!
  • Is eating three solid meals a day, and takes 5 bottles (4 - 6oz and one 7oz) a day. She usually finishes all, but is starting to leave a little in her last bottle of the day as well.
  • Loves moving.  She will sit, but is not content to do it for long.  She just wants to GO!
  • She's still our better napper, but definitely has her days where she wants to fight it along with Kendall.  Makes for a fun day! (insert sarcasm...) :)
  • Sleeps through the night like a champ! Cannot beat 10-12 straight hours of sleep.
So, lately Kylie has been ALL ABOUT wanting whatever Kendall has; toys, pacis etc.  Here's some proof :)

Here's Kendall biting on the teething ring

Well, look who has it now!  (I love the look on Kendall's face here!)

Kylie says "Kendall looks like she wants to play with this..."

"...sorry about your luck, sis!  It's mine now!"
Ahh.  Sibling rivalry already.  Buckle your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Of course, Kev and I also did a 7 month photo shoot (with Daddy behind the camera this time!)  Here are some favorites below!  Enjoy the cuteness!!

Yay!  We're 7 months old!

Kendall giving Kylie a pat on the back

Kevin thought Kendall looked like she was channeling Olivia Newton-John with the "Let's Get Physical" sweatband!
Whatcha doin' Ky??

Lemme give you a kiss!

Love this!  Holding hands and looking at each other...can't beat it!

My favorite!  I love that Kylie looks like she's telling Kendall something, and Kendall's smiling at her!

" 'cmon!  Let's go!"

"Ok, let's get out of here!"

"You still comin'??"

"What are you looking at?!?"


Kendall :)

Love that face!

Pretty girls!
We couldn't leave you without the outtakes!

Uh oh....

Yep, it's fussy Kendall!

What the...???

Up close and personal with Miss Kylie :)
Kylie contemplating something! :)

I'm tired!  Enough pictures for today!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas!

So we took the girls to see Santa a few weeks ago.  Word to the wise...definitely go on a Friday at 4:30.  There was ONE family ahead of us in line!  This is especially helpful when you have babies that are sometimes not content to just stop and wait in line! :)

Anyway, the visit went better than expected!  There were no tears, (Kendall got close, but we diverted her attention!).  I think Kylie was just fascinated by the big man in the red suit!

Aww.  Kylie - L, Kendall - R

Kendall is giving Santa 'the pout' :)

So cute!  I love how Kylie is looking at Santa, and Kendall is looking at her!
We also had some pictures taken for our Christmas Cards.  They didn't scan too well, but here are a few.  They came out SO cute.  You can also tell who is the ham and who doesn't like to smile for the camera! :)

Kylie hates to smile for pictures, unless yours truly is taking them! :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"One Born" update...

One Born Every Minute premiered this past Tuesday on Lifetime at 10 PM EST.  It was...well...interesting (aka - Granny fight).  I felt so bad for the poor girl who had to endure that!

We made the intro!  We're in the part where the nurse tells me "You're about to have a baby"...I say "Yay"!  and then they pan to Kevin who say the least!  We were cracking up.  Unless anything changes, we are going to be on the episode that airs on January 24th.  I am excited and nervous at the same time. 

On Tuesday they had a little premiere party at the hospital for the families on the show.  It was really nice to see a lot of the people on the show, and meet the staff who I have only talked to / emailed with.  It's weird when people you've never even met walk up to you and ask "How are the twins?"  It's so strange that they have all seen our story and "know" us. 

Here's us at the premiere party!

There are some pictures of us in an album on the Lifetime website.  We are in pictures 17, 21, and 22! 

Just thought I would give a little update.  Still have to wait almost another two months to see it.  The suspense is killing me! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

I can't believe it...we have two 6 month olds!

It's been half a year already.  Crazy!  It has flown by.  The first three months were SUCH a blur.  I remember bits and pieces, but I think Kevin and I were both running on autopilot the whole time.  They keep getting more fun as they get older.  I love the fact that they are able to interact more, laugh, smile, blow raspberries, sit up, and even recognize each other!  On the flip side, they also have been starting to want what the other one has (toys, pacis, etc).  Especially Kylie.  Yep, it's starting already!!

Here are the updates on my two favorite little ladies!


  • Stats:  18lbs, 7oz (91 %tile),  28 inches long (99 %tile)
  • LOVES Mickey Mouse!  Much to Kevin's delight, she lights up when she sees Mickey Mouse on TV.  We turn on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every now and then, and she gets a kick out of it when Mickey says "Meeska, mouseka, Mickey Mouse!"
  • Sitting up VERY well without assistance.
  • Still a terrible napper!
  • Has learned how to put herself to sleep (YAY!), and can put in her own paci in the middle of the night.  It's so adorable!
  • Sleeps 10-12 hour nights.
  • Gets VERY fussy when tired.
  • Is (surprisingly) the better eater of the two.  Really seems to dig solid food!
  • Has two teeth, and I think the top ones will be making an appearance soon!



  • Stats:  18lbs, 15oz (94 %tile).  28 inches long (99 %tile)
  • LOVES the pets!  Especially Bono.  She gets so excited when Bono comes around.  She loves to pet him, and get kisses from him!
  • Sitting up pretty well without assistance, but prefers to roll around and scoot on her belly.  She's our mover!
  • Has turned from a good napper to a not so good napper!
  • Has been putting herself to sleep for about two months now (at night).  She'll even wake up occasionally in the middle of the night and talk to herself for a while, then fall back asleep.
  • Sleeps 10-12 hour nights.
  • Gets fussy when tired, and only mommy will do (has gotten to be quite the "mommy's girl" lately!)
  • Loves eating solid food.  She just needs to get the hang of opening her mouth wide!
  • Has her two bottom teeth, and I think the top ones will be coming in soon!

I decided to take some pictures of the two of them the other day to commemorate their half a year birthday.  Here are some of my favorites!

....and couldn't leave you without the outtakes! :)

Where's Kylie?!?

Kendall doing some high kicks!

Kylie trying to steal Kendall's headband

Ky is about DONE taking pictures!

LOL!!!  They hated being in the chair this time!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Milestone!

Both girls are sitting on their own!  They've been really close for the past couple weeks, but we had them sitting up for a while tonight without our assistance.

This morning, hanging out in their boppy's

Tonight - sitting on their own!

They are still a little unsteady, but I think they're almost there.  I'm so proud...sitting up before their 6 month birthday!  They are going to be crawling and walking before we know it. :)