It's been half a year already. Crazy! It has flown by. The first three months were SUCH a blur. I remember bits and pieces, but I think Kevin and I were both running on autopilot the whole time. They keep getting more fun as they get older. I love the fact that they are able to interact more, laugh, smile, blow raspberries,
sit up, and even recognize each other! On the flip side, they also have been starting to want what the other one has (toys, pacis, etc). Especially Kylie. Yep, it's starting already!!
Here are the updates on my two favorite little ladies!
- Stats: 18lbs, 7oz (91 %tile), 28 inches long (99 %tile)
- LOVES Mickey Mouse! Much to Kevin's delight, she lights up when she sees Mickey Mouse on TV. We turn on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every now and then, and she gets a kick out of it when Mickey says "Meeska, mouseka, Mickey Mouse!"
- Sitting up VERY well without assistance.
- Still a terrible napper!
- Has learned how to put herself to sleep (YAY!), and can put in her own paci in the middle of the night. It's so adorable!
- Sleeps 10-12 hour nights.
- Gets VERY fussy when tired.
- Is (surprisingly) the better eater of the two. Really seems to dig solid food!
- Has two teeth, and I think the top ones will be making an appearance soon!
- Stats: 18lbs, 15oz (94 %tile). 28 inches long (99 %tile)
- LOVES the pets! Especially Bono. She gets so excited when Bono comes around. She loves to pet him, and get kisses from him!
- Sitting up pretty well without assistance, but prefers to roll around and scoot on her belly. She's our mover!
- Has turned from a good napper to a not so good napper!
- Has been putting herself to sleep for about two months now (at night). She'll even wake up occasionally in the middle of the night and talk to herself for a while, then fall back asleep.
- Sleeps 10-12 hour nights.
- Gets fussy when tired, and only mommy will do (has gotten to be quite the "mommy's girl" lately!)
- Loves eating solid food. She just needs to get the hang of opening her mouth wide!
- Has her two bottom teeth, and I think the top ones will be coming in soon!
I decided to take some pictures of the two of them the other day to commemorate their half a year birthday. Here are some of my favorites!
....and couldn't leave you without the outtakes! :)
Where's Kylie?!?
Kendall doing some high kicks!
Kylie trying to steal Kendall's headband
Ky is about DONE taking pictures!
LOL!!! They hated being in the chair this time!