Kendall and Kylie had their 4 month appointments last week (although they are almost 4.5 months old!). They are both growing like weeds, and we got the all-clear from the doc to start rice cereal. I think we may try to tackle this next week...
Here are their stats (and their history):
Kendall – Weight – 6lbs 1oz–
(9th percentile)
Height – 19” long–
(25th percentile)
Kylie – Weight – 5lbs 10oz–
(5th percentile)
Height – 19” long–
(25th percentile)
1 week old
Kendall – Weight – 5lbs 10oz –
(3rd percentile)
Height – 19” long –
(15th percentile)
Kylie - Weight – 5lbs 4oz –
(1st percentile)
Height – 19” long–
(15th percentile)
2 weeks old
Kendall – Weight – 6lbs .5oz –
(3rd percentile)
Height –
(not measured)
Kylie - Weight – 5lbs 13oz –
(2nd percentile)
Height –
(not measured)
1 month old
Kendall – Weight – 7lbs 15oz –
(19th percentile)
Height – 20.5” long–
(20th percentile)
Kylie - Weight – 8lbs 3oz –
(25th percentile)
Height – 21” long–
(32nd percentile)
2 months old
Kendall – Weight – 10lbs 5oz –
(28th percentile)
Height – 23” long–
(65th percentile)
Kylie - Weight – 11lbs 6oz –
(52nd percentile)
Height – 22.5” long –
(42nd percentile)
4 months old
Kendall – Weight – 14 lbs 9oz –
(65th percentile)
Height – 25.75” long –
(90th percentile)
Kylie - Weight – 15lbs 9oz –
(83rd percentile)
Height – 25.25” long –
(79th percentile)
Wow! My baby girls have GROWN! They’ve come a long way since their one week appointment.
Here’s a few facts about both:
• Has the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen…(and the chubbiest chipmunk cheeks).
• She definitely is 100% Kevin’s daughter. I see none of me in her.
• She gets what I like to call “fussy leg”. She starts tapping her left leg fast and furiously when she’s about to let you know she’s NOT HAPPY. That’s the first sign to intervene…quickly!
• She is not the best napper…then at the end of the night can tend to have overtired tantrums!
• She is our little connoisseur. We got our hint to change formulas when she started gagging (making the Lloyd Christmas Dumb and Dumber face at her bottles). She also has different bottles and will not drink formula that is at room temperature. It must be warmed!
• Rolled from belly to back at 9 weeks old, and now has little to no interest in rolling!
• Despises tummy time.
• Loves her paci. I usually have to replace it at least once a night.
• Has the most diaper blowouts! We had an interesting time in the parking lot of a gas station a few weeks ago. Kevin, Kendall, and I ended up covered in poop. Kylie slept through the whole thing!
• Has been sleeping through the night pretty consistently for almost 2 months.
• Has the POUT. She gets a big lower lip when she’s not happy. It’s adorable.
• Definitely the drama queen of the two!
• Although she is the drama queen, she seems to be the tougher of the two when in pain (getting shots, etc.) She has her first two teeth and I had no idea she was even teething! I thought Kylie was going to be the first to get teeth!
• Is ready for food! She tried to grab a chip from Kevin last week, and was trying to grab my glass of water when I was drinking it. It was adorable!
• Talks, laughs, and smiles more and more!
• Has beautiful blue eyes, and the cutest little nose!
• Everyone says she looks like me, but I don’t see it…yet.
• Has about a million nicknames…Yellie being the most common. When she gets upset, watch out! It’s loud!
• Has been rolling constantly for two weeks. She refuses to sleep on her back. The first night she did that, I kept going in and turning her back to her back and she got mad! I now leave well enough alone, and she sleeps much better (and longer) on her tummy!
• Naps like a champ!
• Does not care what type of formula you give her, what bottles you give it to her in, or if it’s warmed. She just likes to eat!
• Rarely takes a paci. Usually if I try to give one to her if she’s fussing, it will just make her madder.
• Does not take shots well at all. After her 4 month shots, she cried the most pitiful, high pitched cry I had ever heard for about 20 minutes. Even after she fell asleep, she was still whimpering. So sad. :(
• When she wakes up in her crib, she talks for a while before she gets upset. Even though I’m usually not thrilled she’s awake at 4:30 or so, I think it’s so cute that she’s just in there chatting away!
• Has a new trick with her bottles. If I’m holding her in one arm and the bottle with the other hand, she will lean down and put her mouth on the bottle and start sucking it. It’s hilarious! The girl loves her food!
• Is really good with people. Does not care who’s holding her, she just loves being held!
• Talks and smiles a lot, starting to see a little laugh here and there.
Kev and I:
• I nursed the girls pretty much exclusively until they were 11 weeks old (right before I went back to work). Although I feel guilty about not doing it longer, I think we are all much happier now. Nursing twins can be tough!
• Kevin and I have been BUSY! He is now on Monday through Friday on two stations, and has his full-time job in sales. I have back at work for 7 weeks now full time. My day starts at 5AM (unless Kylie makes it earlier), and I don’t really sit down until after 9PM. And I’m usually in bed by 10. Raising twins is exhausting!
• I have my first overnight away from the girls at the end of October. Kevin is in a wedding in KC, and I’m heading out there to go too. It’ll be nice to have a night with just Kevin, but I am a little nervous about leaving the girls. I’m sure it will be harder on me than it will be on them! :)
• I love shopping for the girls. Every time I go out with the intention of getting myself something, I end up with more stuff for them!
• I genuinely miss things like scrapbooking, working out, cooking, and baking, but I just don’t have the time to fit much other than the girls and work right now.
• I think it’s funny / I get annoyed with the following questions/comments from people:
“Are they identical?” (Ugh. I get that at least once a day.)
“Are they twins?” (Really??? No, this one is a week older!)
“It gets easier! I promise!” (Comment from every twin parent we run into)
“Are you getting any sleep?” (I know it’s dumb to get annoyed at that comment…but I do! Please don’t remind me that I’m not getting the sleep I used to…)
“Ugh. Twins? I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy!” (Some grouchy lady said this to Kevin when he was leaving the doctors office with both girls. He followed that up with “Wow, you’re sure pleasant to be around, aren’t you?” I don’t think she enjoyed that comment!)
“Oh, you have a boy and a girl!” (No, they’re both girls, hence the pink they are both wearing!)
“You sure have your hands full!” (No kidding!)
So there is a brief summary of our first four months with the girls. It’s been a complete blur/whirlwind. We’ve made it through though! I can’t wait to see them grow and change. It has been amazing thus far, and I can’t imagine how much better it’s going to get!
Kendall and her peacock |
Kylie moving around! |
Kylie says "Hi Kendall!" |
"Hi Kylie!" |