Where have my little babies gone?!? It was so funny, Kevin and I were hanging out with the girls tonight after they had dinner, and he was making funny noises at Kendall. She was just looking at him with this funny expression on her face. When I looked at her I saw a little girl, not a baby. It's just so crazy how fast the time goes. I know I say this every month, but they get big so quickly!
We had their nine month well check today, and they are growing so well. The doctor even said 'they're perfect'. :)
Stats: 21 lbs 11 oz (88% tile)
29.5 inches long (95% tile)
- Has 8 teeth. They have been coming in like wildfire!
- Can crawl like a champ. She is a speed demon!
- Can pull into a stand and is starting to cruise on furniture.
- Is making consonant + vowel sounds - dadadada bababa (or BOB BOB BOB!) when she gets upset!
- Knows her name and can recognize words and some commands. ('No' is already becoming quite common in our household!)
- Has really been stepping up as the big sister. Kylie was having troubles last week at day care, and Kendall went over to her and was patting her face to try and make her feel better. Does it get any sweeter than that?
Stats: 22 lbs 14 oz (95% tile)
29 inches long (88% tile)
- Has 7 teeth. Her front teeth are huge!
- Has been crawling for a while. She can pull into a stand and cruise on furniture with no problem. She even has stood on her own without holding on to anything. I have a feeling she will be walking at any time!
- She is also making the mamama, dadadada sounds.
- Knows her name and can recognize words and some commands. The funniest one is when we say "Good Boy" she immediately looks at Bono!
- Has been having major separation / stranger anxiety issues. It has made dropping them off at daycare quite the ordeal. I feel so bad for her. I hate leaving her when she's crying. (Although they always tell me she usually stops before I'm probably out of the parking lot!)
They have both started on finger foods recently, and it's going pretty well. Kylie will eat WHATEVER we put in front of her. Kendall is much more picky, but not bad. We definitely have good little eaters! They had chicken stew for dinner tonight. Yum!
We took nine month pictures. I put some of my favorites below. Enjoy!
And here are our sassy little ladies!
Love them!