Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's Fall!

While Kevin did the radio thing tonight, I went outside and played with the puppies a little bit before it got dark out. We got a chance to enjoy the warmer weather before it gets cold again!

The dogs love their squeeky tennis ball (and just running around with one another)!! It's nice to let them run around outside since they are stuck inside all day while we're at work!

I also got some great shots of our burning bushes. They are GORGEOUS right now!! :)

Action Shot!

Kevin put up some corn stalks last weekend!

Where's Mullen???

Oh, there she is!


A blur of dogs running around the house!

Having fun :-)

I love our zebra grass in the backyard. The tops remind me of sea oats at the beach!!

Get the ball!

Nope, I got it!

About one day left to enjoy this beautiful weather!

1 comment:

ethelmaepotter! said...

Wow, your burning bushes look almost to perfect to be real! Great action shots of the dogs; what fun they were having!