Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spicing it up!

I thought I would mess around with my blog today and spice it up a little (the brown background was growing a little bland in my opinion).  I think the orange definitely makes a statement! :)  I also added a short bio of both Kevin and I.

I am also so excited for this upcoming weekend...we have a date night scheduled for Friday!  Yay!  Kevin and I haven't gone out for a really nice dinner in months and we (actually I) finally decided it was time to go to a nicer place than the Old Bag of Nails in Delaware. :)  We are going to Barcelona in the German Village (near downtown).  I love this place, and haven't been there forever! :)

Saturday, I am dragging Kevin to the Health and Fitness Expo to see Bethenny Frankel speak (Real Housewives of New York City, and New York Times Bestselling Author).  I just purchased her book 'Naturally Thin' a few weeks ago, and read through it at lightning speed.  It gets two thumbs up from me!  I definitely recommend it.  It is a great way to think about food, cooking, and exercise without having to deprive yourself of the things you really enjoy.  Hopefully I can get a picture with her...if so I will post one next week! :)

Hope you enjoy the new look of my blog!!


ethelmaepotter! said...

LOVE the new look! I get bored with mine every now and then, too, and change it completely.

I also love the addition of the bios. (Kevin - I'm trying to get Fred to realize that he'd enjoy working as a Disney bus driver, too!)

Marion said...

Thanks!!!! Kevin can't wait to become a Disney bus driver. I think he's be really good at it :)