Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh boys, or girls, or one of each?!?!?!?

Ugh.  I have been wanting to get on here for a while, but just haven't made the time!  I still need to get caught up on the blogs I normally follow!! :)

Right after we found out we were having twins, I told my husband that I thought there were two girls in there.  Then I started wavering thinking that there may be a boy.  I think I was hoping that there would be a boy in there for Grandpa's sake. :)

We found out at my 17 week appointment that Baby A was a GIRL!  Then came Baby B's turn, and Baby B was not opening those legs!  Oh well, we knew we would find out soon enough....

Yesterday I had my 20 week anatomy scan.  45 minutes of someone pressing on your belly with an ultrasound wand is a lot.  I was sore, but appreciative to see my two favorite twins again. :)  Of course, both twins had to be stubborn (hmm...must take after mom :-))  and we weren't able to get all the measurements, but that's ok.  We at least get to see them again in four weeks!

She confirmed that Baby A is still, in fact, a girl!  Thankfully, Baby B was a little bit more cooperative with letting us find out the gender this time.  The tech went between B's legs, and said "I know what B is".  I looked and immediately knew as well.  It looks like we'll have two little princesses on our hands in a few months!  Kevin already is planning a trip to the princess tea at the Grand Floridian!  (....and I think I saw a few grey hairs pop up on poor Kevin's head after she confirmed our two girls!)  But, we couldn't be happier! 

Short update on mama:  I'm actually doing pretty well recently.  I have FINALLY gotten over the morning sickness! Yay! I still have definite food aversions...(ummm...chicken = nasty). But, at least I can tolerate more than bagels and spaghettio's!  I also am feeling much better after finally kicking the nasty head cold I had over Christmas, my birthday, and New Years.  I'm just crossing my fingers that I have a healthy next 16-18 weeks!

Thought I would post some pics of my progression.  We took pictures at 5, 10, 15, 19, and 20 weeks.  I will not be posting pic 19...because I'm slightly vain...and I look like poo.  But, there is a HUGE difference between weeks 15 and 20.  I think we are going to start taking pictures every week now.  My belly is definitely starting to take over!  I'm just happy the twinnies seem to be growing well!

5 weeks (we just found out!)

10 weeks

15 weeks (little belly)

20 weeks...(Hello Twins!)


ethelmaepotter! said...

Wow, you SAID there was a big difference! I can't believe you're already halfway there - just think, in 20 more weeks (or less!) you'll be holding your daughters in your arms.

Please continue posting the pics, as well as pics of the nursery. Hope it's a good sized room - big enough for two cribs at least!

So glad you're feeling better. The first time I ever had pneumonia I was pregnant - talk about miserable! I'm just getting over the flu mysef.

I think about you even you're not posting, but glad to hear you're up to it again. More pictures, PLEASE!

Oh, by the way, I've already checked into buying children's 10-day park hoppers with no expiration - I figure by the time they'll need them they'll cost an arm and a leg more - through Undercovertourist with the Mousesavers discount, they're $501. I'm trying to talk Fred into it, but he thinks I'm crazy...

Marion said...

Thank you!! I can't believe your daughter is due in July. How fun! Make sure you post lots of updates on her as well!!!

I will have to let Kev know about the park-hoppers. We are pretty much set on taking our first trip with the girls September or October of 2012! Most likely October so we can go to the Food and Wine festival. I believe they'll still be free at that point! :)

Unknown said...

ethelmae! what a great idea!

sorry...anything involving WDW - especially now that Marion and I will have twins to take with us - is just fantastic. :)