Monday, February 7, 2011

24 weeks!

I am now 24 weeks along and just had my repeat ultrasound at the Maternal-Fetal unit today and the great news is everything looks WONDERFUL with the babies!  I couldn't be happier. :) :) :)  We had the same tech as we did last time, and she was great.  She was a lot more conversational this time, and just kept saying "These babies look GREAT!"  Right now they are both head down (...keeping fingers crossed they stay that way....) and are "spooning" each other!  So funny!

Here’s the bi-weekly update on me and the babies:

How far along? 24 weeks, 1 day  (Today Baby A was measuring 24 weeks 2 days, and Baby B was measuring 24 weeks 4 days)

Weight Gain: about 16 pounds

Fun baby-related activities this week? We (Kevin) started on the nursery!   (I am banned from painting after we had a 2 AM ER visit a few years ago after painting all day.  The paint fumes and my asthma do not mesh well!)  Everything is cleared out of the bedroom, and Kevin painted the walls, ceiling, and chair-rail.  Also the cribs and the dresser came in.  Once we get everything painted, we will put the furniture together and decorate.  I can't wait until it's done!!

Movement: Lots!  They are pretty active all day long...but they like to move around the most after lunch or dinner, and first thing in the morning.  On weekends, I'll stay in bed for a few minutes after waking up and just lay there with my hands on my stomach and feel them move around.  I love it!

Food cravings/aversions:  I still am loving my fruit!  Especially oranges!  I could eat 5 a day if it wouldn't give me such horrendous canker sores!  I have also gotten over my chicken aversion and have been eating it again for the past couple weeks.  I feel a lot better that I am getting the protein the babies really need!  I have also really been in the mood for turkey burgers since I had them at Ruby Tuesday's a week ago!

What I miss:  Sushi!  I cannot wait to have a few good sushi rolls again and yellowtail and tuna sashimi.  I told Kevin he is going to have to bring some to me at the hospital after I have the babies!

What I am looking forward to? Getting the nursery finished and decorated!

What I’m nervous about: Actually, I am feeling pretty good right now.  Babies and I are doing really well!  Can't complain! :)

Here are some of the ultrasound pictures from today!

Baby A close up of face with her arm and hand over her head!

Baby A Profile.  This is the best the tech could do...she was being a stinker!

Baby B Profile

Baby B yawning,  You can see her mouth open and her nose tilted up.  SO flippin' CUTE!


Unknown said...

I've gotta be honest. I almost passed out when I was eating hot wings during the Super Bowl and you looked over and asked "do you mind if I have one?" :)

ethelmaepotter! said...

Those ultrasound pictures are amazing - YAWNING!!!! OMG! how cute is that!
Will you be posting pictures of the nursery in progress or just wait until the finished project?
You're more than half way there - enjoy it - being pregnant is an absolute joy and I feel so sorry for those women who feel differently. You are definitely NOT one of them!

Marion said...

LOL, Kevin! It was a good wing, I just couldn't resist that wing sauce. It smelled so good!

Although, it wasn't the easiest at the beginning...and the weight gain is wigging me out a little bit, I do think it's an absolute miracle being pregnant. I can't believe they'll be here in 3-3 1/2 months!