Monday, May 16, 2011

No babies....yet!

Well, it's official...I am term! With 3-4 weeks of couch-rest I made it to 38 weeks 1 day pregnant with my twins!  I can't believe it, and yet I can.  :)  If nothing happens in the next 2 1/2 days, I am scheduled to be induced Thursday morning at 7 AM.  I have a feeling I'm going to make it until then! :)

The girls are both doing great.  At every ultrasound they have been practicing their breathing, and their heartrates have been good.  The doctor figures Baby A will be around 6.5 pounds when she's born, and Baby B will be around 6 pounds.  Great weights for twins, for sure!  I just cannot wait to meet these two little peanuts I have been carrying around with me for the last 9 months.  Kevin is just as excited as I am! :)  I also think that we have finally made an official decision about names.  We will know 100% once we see them, but I'm almost positive we have decided!

As for me, I am READY to be done.  I think I have finally gotten to that point within the last week.  Almost twelve pounds of baby is a lot to be carrying around, and I am SO ready to get my body back and wear cute clothes again!  Overall, I think I did a good job.  I put on 35 pounds, and my blood pressure has been low throughout.  I tested negative for gestational diabetes and group B strep.  Lastly, I am going to get the chance to deliver these two vaginally...which is awesome!  I just cross my fingers that all goes according to plan (or at least somewhat)!  :)

Here are some other pictures from our maternity photo shoot two weeks ago.  My belly is a little bigger now, but I look pretty much the same!  My next update will definitely contain some pictures of our little princesses!

Goofing off!

My favorite picture!



ethelmaepotter! said...


Good luck Thursday - I'll be thinking of you and Kevin and the princesses! And if you don't have time to post for a while, would you please email me? You can get my address off my profile.


Val( Brazil) said...

Lovely are a beautiful pregnant great to be able to come to full term with twins...
wishing you all the best!

ethelmaepotter! said...

Happy birthday to your girls!

Val( Brazil) said...

well I gues by now you have 2 new meanings for the word LOVE!

congrats! ;-)