Friday, June 24, 2011

Quick Kendall and Kylie Update!

The girls are doing great!  We're still trying to get a bit more sleep at night, but I know that should iron itself out by 3 months (I hope!).  All in all, they are good though.  They only eat once between 11PM and 6AM, so I really can't complain.  Unfortunately, they seem to get upset being in their bassinet at 1:30AM & 5:30AM, and will only sleep if I am holding them.  And, like last night, Kendall didn't want to go back in after eating at 3AM, and wanted to be held.  Oh well!  We are actually going to install the cameras for the baby monitor this weekend in their room, and we are going to move them to their cribs in the next week or two.  I definitely want them to get used to sleeping in their own room before I go back to work!

Other than the sleep factor, they seem to get fussy between 5PM and 7-8PM.  I have started calling it their "witching hour".  I don't know why, but from everything I have read, it is fairly common.   Hopefully, they will snap out of this too! :-)

Their growth has been wonderful.  We had their one month checkup this week, and they both checked out great.  Kendall went from 6lbs .5oz and 19 in. long at 2 weeks to 7lbs 15oz, and 20.5 in. long!  Kylie, who WAS my peanut, went from 5lbs 13oz and 19 in long at 2 weeks to 8lbs .5oz and 21 in long!  I couldn't believe it.  Their phenomenal growth silenced my breastfeeding fears (for now!)  I guess they are getting enough from me!

I am doing well too.  I lost the 35 lbs I gained in about a week, and was back in my regular clothes 5 days after I delivered them.  The doctor cleared me to start working out this week, I just need to find the time.  My goal is to get back into running.  I'd LIKE to train and do a 10K sometime this fall.  Hopefully I can do that (just need a free moment!)

Here are some more recent pictures of them!




Daddy and the girls watching Baby Einstein!

1 comment:

ethelmaepotter! said...

Good grief, those babies have grown! And they look incredibly alert for one month, too - I think you're going to have very advanced girls.

I cannot believe you lost all that weight so fast. You should do a book or a fitness show or something. I mean, that's really incredible.

And don't worry about the witching hour - it eventually goes away and is replaced by the terrible two's!