Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas!

So we took the girls to see Santa a few weeks ago.  Word to the wise...definitely go on a Friday at 4:30.  There was ONE family ahead of us in line!  This is especially helpful when you have babies that are sometimes not content to just stop and wait in line! :)

Anyway, the visit went better than expected!  There were no tears, (Kendall got close, but we diverted her attention!).  I think Kylie was just fascinated by the big man in the red suit!

Aww.  Kylie - L, Kendall - R

Kendall is giving Santa 'the pout' :)

So cute!  I love how Kylie is looking at Santa, and Kendall is looking at her!
We also had some pictures taken for our Christmas Cards.  They didn't scan too well, but here are a few.  They came out SO cute.  You can also tell who is the ham and who doesn't like to smile for the camera! :)

Kylie hates to smile for pictures, unless yours truly is taking them! :)

1 comment:

ethelmaepotter! said...

LOVE every one of these! And I think it's adorable how you dressed the girls in different dresses - but they coordinate perfectly. Y'all look like the perfect American family.