Saturday, April 30, 2011

Almost 36 weeks!

I am almost 36 weeks! This has been the milestone I have been focused on since finding out I was pregnant with twins. The average gestation for twins is 35 weeks. Luckily, I have made it to my milestone with the help of bedrest…or as I so affectionately term it, couch-rest! My doctor pulled me out of work about three weeks ago, but I am lucky my company has allowed me to continue to work from home. This definitely makes the days go much quicker…and it’s funny, I actually think I get more done now than I did when I was going into the office every day!

As of last weeks’ appointment, the girls are still doing great. I haven’t gotten an ultrasound on them since my 33 week appointment…but I am guessing they are somewhere around 5 ½ pounds apiece. We will find out on Monday! I haven’t gained any weight in almost a month, but as long as they are gaining, that’s all that matters. I am holding steady at 30 pounds. As of my last check I am still not dilated at all, but am about 70-80% effaced, which means my cervix is extremely thin. Also, Baby A’s head is extremely low…the doctor has mentioned that he can feel it at my last two checks. Seems like she’s ready to make her debut! I have had contractions on and off for about a week now, but only a few a day. Who knows, I may actually make it to my induction / c-section date of May 18th! It is pretty much up in the air at this point!

Baby B is still head down as well, so as long as she doesn’t flip, we are going to try to deliver them vaginally. Crossing my fingers!

Also, things are moving along with the show ‘One Born Every Minute’. Kevin and I filmed an interview with them on Wednesday, and it went really well. Gut tells me that we will make it on the show, which is exciting and extremely nerve wracking at the same time. Hopefully, I won’t say or do anything dumb! Definitely never a dull moment!

I am breaking my couch-rest tomorrow and getting maternity pictures taken. I hope they turn out well…(and hope this darn rain stops long enough to get some good pics!) I will post some when I can.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

33 Week Update

I just had my 33 week OB appointment and ultrasound yesterday. Starting with the positives, the babies are looking great! Baby A was 4lbs 8oz, and Baby B was 4lbs 3 oz. They are both really active and are doing their practice breathing! Also, Baby B flipped and is now head down!! I may actually get to try for a normal delivery if she stays put. I was really excited about that!

My BP was 110/60 and I actually lost a pound since my last appointment. As long as the girls are gaining, I’m not concerned though. :)

Unfortunately, my cervix shortened again since last Wednesday...which can be a sign of pre-term labor. My doctor is being extra precautious and is pulling me from work and put me on “modified” bedrest for the next 3 weeks (at least). I am allowed to get up and shower, eat, use the restroom, and even go out for a quick meal once or twice a week. Other than that, I need to stay laying down. It’s going to be tough, but if I can at least make it to 36 weeks, I will be happy. I just want the girls to stay in there as long as possible! The good news is, I have not had any contractions (even Braxton-Hicks), and I am not dilated at all. Just going to keep my fingers crossed!  I also do have a c-section scheduled for May 18th...but when talking to the doc yesterday, he seems doubtful I will make it to that date.

The other interesting news is that we may be profiled on the show 'One Born Every Minute' on Lifetime.  They are shooting the second season at Riverside hospital again between late April and early June, and may use our story.  I just talked to a casting director yesterday, and my doctor is super pumped for Kevin and I do possibly be on the show!  We will be filmed and after filming, the producers will pick certain couples to actually be on the show.  Why the heck not?!?  May as well have our 2.5 minutes of fame!!! :)  If nothing else, we will get a professionally produced DVD of our birth experience (discreet, of course!) :)

Here's me at 33 weeks (before my last day of work until July or August)