Monday, October 26, 2009

The 'burgh...

Kevin and I packed up the dogs on Saturday morning and headed to Pittsburgh for the day to visit his parents. Although it is about a 3.5 hour drive, it went quickly! When we got there, the dogs were crazy for about 5 minutes. Once they calmed down, we had the chance to sit down for a little while, have a snack and catch up.

Me yelling (I'm sure) at Bono to settle down!

Mom K and I cleaning up while the boys went out

After that Kevin took his dad to go and get some Yuengling (his favorite beer ever).  Every time we go to Pittsburgh he has to get some since they don't sell it in Ohio. 

We sat around for a bit and showed them pictures of our trips to Disney World and St. Pete / Tampa then went out to dinner to this wonderful little restaurant called Siba!  After dinner we just came back to their house and relaxed for a bit.  Kevin taught his mom all the in's and out's of Facebook and I showed his dad some stuff about his new Blackberry Storm! 

The next morning we got up early (thanks to some puppies) and had breakfast before we left.  Bono and Mullen were going nuts over the squirrels!  We don't really have any at our house. 

Here they are making lots of nose marks on the window!

Here's the squirrel!

They always get treats from Grandma!

Kevin, his dad, and the dogs out on the deck

When we got back on the road, the dogs were tired out from all the excitement, so they were a lot calmer then they were on the way there.  It was a pretty, sunny day so I tried to get some good pictures of the changing leaves!

We don't have hills like this in Ohio!

Mullen being a good girl in the back

Bono's tired!


Big nose!

Bono loves sticking his head out the window!

Alum Creek.  We're almost home!

It was a very quick but fun weekend! :-)


ethelmaepotter! said...

I love the photo of Bono sticking his head out the window!
I remember the flatlands of Ohio, and how nice it was to see the hills of Tennessee again. Looks like you've got some gorgeous color going on!

Marion said...

I know! I love that one, and the close-up of his big nose out the window!

It's nice to see some hills once in a while. Ohio is SOOO flat...but the trees are beautiful right now!