Thursday, March 10, 2011

28.5 weeks!

I missed my week 26 update…but we have been so busy lately! We put together the cribs and dresser a few weeks ago, and Kevin pretty much finished the nursery last weekend. We just are waiting for the glider and small table to come in, and we still need to get the crib bedding. It is so adorable so far...I will definitely post pictures when it is complete!

I had an ultrasound and OB appointment yesterday, so now is a perfect time for an update on the babies and I!

How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days

Weight Gain: 24 pounds (YIKES!)

Baby Weight: Baby A is 2lbs 8oz and Baby B is 2lbs 10 oz. They are right on target for where they should be! The ultrasound tech was so blown away with how well they were doing yesterday. She kept saying that they are both looking textbook perfect. YAY! I’m doing a good job growing these two!

Fun baby-related activities this week? As I mentioned earlier, we almost finished the nursery. I ordered my glider and a small table for the room last weekend. I can’t wait until they come in. Also, (and most importantly) my baby shower is on Saturday! I can’t wait! There are going to be about 50 people there. I can’t wait to see everyone!

Movement: Lots! Baby A is my crazy girl. She loves kicking and punching, and has made herself a nice pillow on my bladder. She responds right away when Kevin or I put a hand on my belly. She rolls towards the hand and we’ll see limbs start moving across the left side of my belly. It is so adorable!

Baby B is behind Baby A, so I feel her more at my back and on my right side. But, the other day I was out doing errands and got back into my car after being at the grocery store. When I sat down, I felt a ton of pressure on my right side right under my ribs. I felt my side with my hand and noticed a football shaped bulge sticking out. I immediately thought…uh oh! She just flipped! Well, it was confirmed yesterday, she is breech now. What a little stinker! The doc said there is still a good chance that she will flip back to being head down, but if she doesn’t (or if Baby A flips) I will definitely have a c-section. I was hoping to avoid that, but whatever gets them here safely is what is most important!

Food cravings/aversions: None really. Just trying to drink lots of ice water!

How am I feeling? Overall, pretty good. I’ve had lots of round ligament pain because of the rapid growth of my uterus, and some back pain…but nothing too major. I am starting to wake up more often at night since I am starting to get uncomfortable. I tend to get some hip pain if I lay in the same position too long. It helps some if I sleep with a pillow between my legs. The worst has been the acid reflux. I’ve been popping Tums like crazy lately!

What I am looking forward to? Completing the nursery and the baby shower!

What I’m nervous about: Hoping Baby B flips back…I really don’t want a c-section!

The doc told me that they will schedule me for an induction or c-section during week 38. Less than 10 weeks to go! WOW! I can’t believe how quickly time has flown, and I can’t wait to meet our baby girls!

Me @ 28 weeks!  All belly!

Kev and I.  (Isn't he adorable?!?!)


Val said...

Hi Marion, this is BrazilFamily from TA.
You all are looking so great!
God Bless!

Imagine how fun it will be to show this blog to the girs...

Have a great baby shower!

Marion said...

Thanks Val! We're all doing great so far.

The baby shower was so much fun too. I'll probably post pictures as soon as I get some from my Dad. :)

ethelmaepotter! said...

Ooooh, I love these baby updates!

Great news on the twins' progress. So, basically, less than 10 weeks to go?! Wow, your life is about to completely change!

What cribs did you get? We're shopping for one (make that ONE!)right now - I volunteered to buy the crib and bassinet, not really realizing that the crib/changing table would be a package deal, or that bassinets are now bassinet/changing table/play yards. And I'm having a custom quilt made for the baby, AND we're buying a $1000 savings bond. Which is why Ariel is probably NOT gonna get the crib she really wants - because it's 4X more expensive than her second choice! Still, if I could swing it...

Please DO post pictures of the nursery soon! My next post will probably be a baby update post, and I just have to show off some of the goodies!

Stay healthy, and Baby B, do a little flip for Mommy, okay?