Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Halloween! (belated)

Hey, I have twins.  That's my excuse :).  Anyway, Kendall and Kylie helped Kev and I pass out candy for trick-or-treaters.  They actually had a great time.  I think they were entertained by all the different costumes!

The whole family handing out candy!

Kevin, Kendall (pumpkin) and Kylie (zebra).  The look on Kendall's face kills me!

The girls with mommy!

We actually have started them on food as well.  They have tried sweet potatoes, bananas, and apples.  So far so good.  They've given all three a big thumbs up!

Havin' fun in the high chairs!

Other new things.  Kylie has RAD (reactive airway disease), otherwise known as asthma.  :(  We have a nebulizer now, and have been giving her breathing treatments daily,  The pediatrician is hoping to wean her off the treatments totally, and only use them when she has a cold.  We have their 6 month checkup in two weeks, so we will know more then.  The doc is hopeful that she will outgrow this (most babies do).

Both girls officially have teeth!  Kendall has had her bottom two for about a month now, and Kylie's finally popped through last week!  Yesterday, they had a really fussy hour, but Kev took them for a drive and all was right with the world after that! :)  All in all, they have been taking everything in stride.  They are still sleeping through the night (for the most part) and have become very interested in the pets and each other!  They actually both pet Bono really nicely. :)

A few more adorable pics.  I took these in their room yesterday and had to share! 

They were sporting their personalized shirts with their names on them and matching Gap Jeans!  I rarely dress them matchy-matchy, but this was too cute to pass up!

I love this one!  I think it's so adorable how Kylie has her hand on Kendall's leg :)

1 comment:

ethelmaepotter! said...

Kendall is tooo funny! She sure told y'all how SHE felt about the whole thing!